This is a Test
For nine years I have suffered. Yes my friends, prepare to hear a short tale of woe. I'm picturing myself on a shrink's couch as I write this, so you can be the sympathetic psychologist. You see, it was nine years ago that I entered the world of email. It was a very long time ago, back when email was meant to be free (kind of funny how that slogan has bitten the dust, no longer embraced by the company that once touted it, isn't it?). I was a neophyte to the world of email. It just wasn't done in our house. And then the rage became a reality. I heard about the chance to sign up for a free email account, and did. Now remember, this was back in the day when email was a novelty. It wasn't as common as air. Those who had accounts were almost as rare as a Red Sox championship. So, in the process of signing up for an email address, I was a bit stupefied as to what address I should use. Well, it's mail, isn't it? And you usually attach your name to your mail, don't you? So isn't it logical that the address should be linked to the name? So the chosen address ended up being my name. Alas, this was at a time when the world of email addresses was relatively virgin and untouched. I probably had the choice of the coolest names. But in my ignorance I chose practicality over coolness. Since then I've regretted my move. Every time I see a creative address, it's like a knife pierces my heart. The number of stab wounds is large. O, that I had had a heart to know and to choose a creative email address! There's no point going back now and rectifying my error by coming up with a new one. Besides, the coolest ones are long gone.
I am attempting to make up for my almost decade old error with this blog name. And it is also a test to determine how good a baseball/Red Sox fan you are. Schillsbloodysox is not some sort of British profanity. So if you thought it was, you fail the test. If you're somewhat knowledgeable about baseball, you may recognize that "bloodysox" might be an allusion to the world champion Boston Red Sox. It is. If this is the limit to your analysis, you get a "C." But if you also know that Schill is the nickname for the Red Sox ace pitcher, you get a "B." However, you pass with flying colors if you recognize that the entire term is not only an allusion to the Red Sox, but also to two of the more famous games in their recent history: Game 6 of the 2004 ALCS, and Game 2 of the 2004 World Series. For it was then that Curt Schilling had his ankle sutured up in order to pitch in both frames, while the blood seeped through his right ankle for the world to see and admire. Some say it was ketchup for effect, but I suspect that's a rumor started by an operative of the Evil Empire. Amazing what jealousy will do to one, isn't it? Anyway, I have now cleansed myself from using practical but boring names, and am now embracing my creative self. I almost feel like a liberated man.
I am attempting to make up for my almost decade old error with this blog name. And it is also a test to determine how good a baseball/Red Sox fan you are. Schillsbloodysox is not some sort of British profanity. So if you thought it was, you fail the test. If you're somewhat knowledgeable about baseball, you may recognize that "bloodysox" might be an allusion to the world champion Boston Red Sox. It is. If this is the limit to your analysis, you get a "C." But if you also know that Schill is the nickname for the Red Sox ace pitcher, you get a "B." However, you pass with flying colors if you recognize that the entire term is not only an allusion to the Red Sox, but also to two of the more famous games in their recent history: Game 6 of the 2004 ALCS, and Game 2 of the 2004 World Series. For it was then that Curt Schilling had his ankle sutured up in order to pitch in both frames, while the blood seeped through his right ankle for the world to see and admire. Some say it was ketchup for effect, but I suspect that's a rumor started by an operative of the Evil Empire. Amazing what jealousy will do to one, isn't it? Anyway, I have now cleansed myself from using practical but boring names, and am now embracing my creative self. I almost feel like a liberated man.
Thank you for the name explanation, because I really didn't have a bloody clue. But I think I might be excused for lack of Red Sox knowledge based upon my geographical location. Go Mariners!
You have no idea how many times I have typed something only to delete it. Call it "keeping the peace"...
Is it peace, Jehu?
Wow, Chad, you're pretty enamored with those bloody sox. But I guess you have reason to be. It sure was glorious.
Too bad about your e-mail name. But who knew who it all would progress?
Kristi, I wonder how many Mariners players you can name off the top of your head. Just a question, because I usually find that "fans" of other teams can remember about two of their own players, while most Red Sox fans I know can name a good 10, minimum, and often 15-20. In fact, some Sox fans (not me!) can probably name even the entire line-up of the Mariners. It's just an indication of the quality of baseball fanship in Red Sox Nation, compared to the rest of the world. Yet another Northeast/Northwest difference.
I meant HOW it would all progress.
I feel your pain when it comes to email addresses, except in my case it's my screen name that bothers me. We're so uncreative. Sad, isn't it?
Them's fightin' words, Craig! I won't pretend to be a big baseball fan who knows all the names, but I do know that the Mariners are up there with the best, whereas the Red Sox didn't win the World Series for like, a hundred years! I admire your staunch loyalty, though. However, knowing the names of all the players doesn't exactly ensure their success, I've noticed.
[Ducks under the table as she prepares for heavy assault from the east!]
I think that your e-mail address is very practical. Not to mention considerate of all the folks who have to remember zillions of people's creative e-mail addresses with their nicknames and birthdates.
The bloody sox bit is disgusting.
Kristi, you need to watch your language. MOREOVER, now I am convinced that you are deliberately insulting Craig's weight!!!
Chad's the one who brought up the "British profanity"! I'm merely a victim of his corrupting influence.
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