Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Valentine's Day Surprise

Before I get to tell about my Valentine's day surprise, here are a couple other tidbits from the school front that some may enjoy.

During rehearsal recently, the rather blonde girl who played Anne messed up on her lines a little. She didn't seem to realize what she said. Instead of saying something about the Nazis coming, she called them "Yahtzees." And she didn't miss a beat, until I pointed out to her that she should make sure she calls them "Nazis." (Can't have people confused, thinking huge sets of dice might come and capture you in your sleep.)

Another Anne moment. It looks like she's getting into a modeling career. Probably she'll be rich and famous some day (so I make sure I get in my two cents by telling her when she has lots of money to remember our school and donate some millions to us, unlike one very rich movie star who graduated from this school and has not given a penny, despite its desperate needs. She is horrified to hear this, and agrees to remember us. So we should be all set soon.) She's getting into some program where she'll be going down to NYC about 3 times a month for the next five months or so. Anyway, one night she comes into the auditorium a little scared about someone yelling inside a building near where she entered. Our lovely city has some pretty sketchy characters. Then she started to think about what it would be like in NYC. I told her if she thought our city was bad, it would be ten times worse in New York. But she doesn't seem to worry about it for long. In fact, she suddenly blurts out, "I like the bums." Apparently this cheers her up a bit.
"Huh?" I ask, not sure what provoked this.
"I like the bums. I feel sorry for them and give them quarters." Don't know why she thought this bit of info was important to tell me about, but she did. "What about the bums in [our city]?" I ask. "Oh, I don't see any bums around here" she replies.

Now on to Valentine's day. The school did a thing where you could buy carnations for anyone and have them given during homeroom. So I get a red carnation from an anonymous individual. They spell my last name wrong, so they can't know me too well. Then they leave a message: "I'm waiting, call me." And there was a phone number with it! Can you believe it?

My assumption is this is some jerk friend of a student of mine who put my student's phone number down to try and embarrass them. There's no way I'm calling the number, although I am curious about the whole thing. Anyway, I shared the news with most of my classes, to their great amusement. Most wanted me to call the number right away, but I squelched that idea. And a female teacher in the department thought someone should call the number, just in case it's some single female teacher just waiting for Mr. Perfect. Guess she'll wait awhile longer...


Blogger Booker said...

yeah, let me do it! I'd be great at giving a rant over the phone, and since they don't know me, it would be even better.

and if it is some single teacher, I can pre-screen her for you, save you all the time and effort :-)

see, I'm here for you man...

5:51 PM  
Blogger redsoxwinthisyear said...

Careful what you say ryu soma, I might just take you up on that...

But what would you rant about?

8:17 PM  
Blogger CKS said...

I was just going to say, "I'LL CALL THE NUMBER!" when I got here and saw Mom's comment. And then Derrick's. When it came right down to it, I probably wouldn't.

10:48 PM  
Blogger Kristi said...

This could be your big chance, Chad! When you're still a bachelor at 50, you may think back to this experience and wish you'd called that number!

12:05 AM  
Blogger Claire said...

This was TOO FUNNY! I loved the part about the giant dice coming to get you...

You've GOT to give that number a call. It could be your DESTINYYYYYY!

Perhaps you should make a formal request to this movie star/alumnus...It's a shame he hasn't given a red cent. Promise to put up a portrait or a statue- you know, build up his ego- and he might fork over a hefty donation!

9:35 AM  
Blogger redsoxwinthisyear said...

Ok, so some of my students begged to call the number for me, and I finally caved in. One of them did after school, and reported back to me that it's the number of a flower shop. She thought it was Japanese or something. Guess that solves part of the mystery. I'll probably never know who sent it.

And Claire, I don't think this movie star needs his ego stroked any more than it already is. But maybe it's worth a shot if he'll give us a couple million...

7:07 PM  
Blogger Booker said...

Rant about? I can rant on just about anything, or nothing, as the occasion requires, lol...

4:57 PM  

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