Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Clinging to the Summer Days

It's very hard to explain my feelings on work and summer right now. It's like I'm torn between two worlds, both of which have their attraction. One world is summer, and the lack of any deadlines to get things done. I can read, watch TV, a movie, play computer, read blogs, or whatever at my own leisurely pace and with plenty of time to spend. The other is the oncoming school year. I'm looking forward to it a great deal. Yet at the same time I'm trying to squeeze out the last minutes of relaxation before the sudden storm descends...

Those who do not teach probably cannot relate to what I am talking about. But suffice it to say that once the school year starts, leisurely activities take very much of a back burner to the demanding schedule of a teacher. Not to mention my extracurricular activities and duties involving drama. Some weeks are busier than others, but I don't think it's an exaggeration to say that the average work week is between 50 and 60 hours for me. I know that's not a big deal for many who are self-employed, but maybe it adds perspective for those of you used to an 8-4, 9-5, or whatever other job in which you usually work around 40 hours a week. Don't think I'm complaining, because I'm not. I love my job! I'm just stating a fact that might help you appreciate my torn feelings. It's because I'll have so little opportunity to enjoy the activities later that I'm trying to pile them all in at once. Like a drug fix or something.

Even as I try to relax, there's also plenty to be done to prepare for the year. That's another reason I don't want the summer to end. I want to spend more time preparing/finding lessons, taking notes on my World History text, finding sources, etc. It seems there is never enough time to reach the goals I set for myself when it comes to planning the perfect lessons, or what have you. It's quite a dilemma. Do you frantically work now and push aside relaxation time that you know will never come during the year? Or do you set aside prep work now because you know things can't get much more hectic than they already will be once the year starts, so you might as well just plan things then? You might sacrifice a little bit of quality, but at least you get some last minute vacation while you still have time to breathe...

I think I'll choose the latter... Until my conscience smites me and I stop watching a DVD or reading a book to return to classroom prep...


Blogger ljm said...

Seize the summer!

8:20 AM  
Blogger lis said...

Sure sounds like my own dilemma, whether in Israel (sieze the adventures) or here (sieze the fellowship). Still haven't figured it out! :O)

Oh, hope your recovery is progressing quickly. Oral surgery doesn't sound like much fun to me.

12:11 PM  
Blogger Booker said...

Yay for dvd's...

6:46 PM  

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