Sunday, September 03, 2006

Was Hannah's Promise Kept?

Recently I read about the birth of Samuel, and Hannah's promise that he would be a Nazirite, with a razor never coming to touch his head. This has gotten me thinking about Samuel's hair. If her promise was kept, and Samuel never cut his hair, I figure he had a mighty amount of hair by the time he died.

I learned from a bit of research that the average hair growth is six inches a year. You figure Samuel lived eighty years, and that makes his hair forty feet long. Maybe less, since some of it probably fell out due to length. Even so, I think this gives new meaning to a full head of hair. And it puts Absalom's hair to shame. (After all, he cut it regularly, right?) In addition, it means any Sunday School type pictures out there depicting an elderly, or even a young Samuel, should be a little more dramatic than they are. Of course, it could cause some confusion among youngsters, who might mistake Sammy for a girl. But what young tyke wouldn't be fascinated by a picture with a guy whose hair is anywhere from ten to forty feet long?

On a more serious note, if you want to get something serious out of this post, consider the sight it was to see a Nazirite, a man wholly dedicated to the Lord. Though being a Nazirite probably isn't your calling, perhaps this is to be expected of all those who are completely committed to following God: they will stick out dramatically.


Blogger brilynne said...

Hair actually falls out at a pretty steady clip on most people. The life span of the average hair before it falls out rarely allows it to grow past a person's knees. I was very disappointed when I found this out...I loved the story of Rapunzel. :-)

5:12 PM  
Blogger redsoxwinthisyear said...

Aaagggh brilynne! How dare you ruin the great mental picture I was having! I suppose it must give way to fact, however. Sigh.

8:53 PM  
Blogger Aaron said...

Well, if it says "razor to his head" does that include "scissors to his hair"?

10:49 PM  
Blogger lis said...

But were there scissors?!

The hair question crossed my mind when we were supposed to be talking about Hannah's prayers (not her son's hair) in church.

8:08 AM  
Blogger lis said...

(And what's the deal with your time stamp? It's actually about 8:00 am).

8:11 AM  
Blogger redsoxwinthisyear said...

Heh heh, I just figured out how to fix the time stamp thing. All should now be well.

1:14 PM  
Blogger KMS said...

I know a girl with hair to her feet. I've seen it myself. So Samuel's could have been that long.

10:19 PM  

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