Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Yes, I'm Alive, and Entering "The Ring"

For my avid South African fans out there, who have been worriedly gnawing their fingernails over my lack of blogging, wondering whether I have dropped off the face of the earth, or just been sick, have no fear. Yes, I was sick, but I am alive and kicking. Just haven't felt like blogging recently. There's also the time issue, although that's not any real excuse, as I had a week of vacation since the last post, so could have written if I felt like it.

Things are busy, but here's some general news.

Matt update: he also picks his nose in class. Yes enthusiastically making comments about how he loves me, and picking his nose in class. I had kind of seen it before, so wasn't terribly surprised when I saw him doing it today, but it was still pretty gross. I guess it shows you that some inhibitions are a good thing once in a while.

On acting: I'm directing another show now, this time a comedy. It's The Importance of Being Earnest. Should be a good one. We'll probably be spending a couple of thousand to make this a memorable performance. It has some serious set demands, which are a little scary to contemplate, but I suspect it will all come together.
I was cast in Beauty and the Beast, but not as anything significant. I'm in the adult ensemble, non-dancing. So basically I'm in three songs, I collect my paycheck, and go home. Or something like that. Actually, I'll also eat plenty of free pizza at the restaurant down the street from the theater, before going home. (It's an establishment that loves the shows where I'm performing, so gives the actors free pizza afterwards. It's a nice perk.)

In other news, I have officially begun my political career. Yes folks, you can expect to see me in a run for the presidency in 2032. But right now you can call me director S. For today I was appointed as one of the board of directors for my condo association. I went to the yearly meeting to be involved as an association member, and it turns out they needed someone else to serve on the board. After the meeting they asked me if I was interested, I asked some questions, found out it was not a huge commitment, so said they could put my name down for consideration. The board met for about three minutes while I waited outside, then let me in as the newest board member. I will be involved in the financial decision making process for association business. We actually decide quite a few things. Should be a good learning experience. And it's pretty much a huge springboard toward taking over one of our senator's seats in 2014. So expect great things from me in the political ring.


Blogger Kristi said...

Gasp! A new post!!

Chad for President!

11:23 PM  
Blogger Avalanche Cowpoke said...

Cheers for the future Senator from NH!!!

9:41 AM  
Blogger redsoxwinthisyear said...

Or CA, or VA, or FL, or WA, or wherever I may be from...

8:53 PM  
Blogger ljm said...

Ok, I'm not recommending this site, but I did find a good Tshirt you might use to promote your political race...

9:02 PM  
Blogger redsoxwinthisyear said...

ljmax--Ha, ha, ha, very funny. I think I'll buy my girlfriend one for her birthday, which if I remember correctly is coming up in a few weeks...

10:20 PM  

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